Tuesday 10 April 2012

Today's Outfit

I tried a rather different style today. This is the first time I ever wore a midi skirt. I really like the print of it. Midi skirt is in at the moment, it makes you appear slimmer and taller(to my surprised) In addition, I also tried something new today which is the bowler hat that I was wearing. It certainly adds a bit of fun to this outfit, don't you think?

What I am wearing:
Bowler Hat: Chloe Chen(From Taiwan)
Jumper: Cos
Necklace: Accessorize
Midi Skirt: Topshop
Handbag: Céline
Heels: Cooperative from Urban Outfitters
今天我鼓起勇氣嘗試了不同以往的風格: midi skirt和bowler hat。我真的很愛這件裙子的印花耶!midi skirt是現在最In的潮流,時尚圈已經開始有很多人在穿midi skirt了,出乎我意料外,我發現穿上midi skirt會讓你看起來更高更瘦。除了midi skirt外,我今天也鼓起勇氣嘗試了bowler hat(其實已經買它好幾年了,今天第一次正式帶它出門),加上帽子後真的可以讓整體造型更完整也更有趣了,你覺得呢?
帽子:Chloe Chen(台灣)
上衣: Cos
項鏈: Accessorize
裙子: Topshop
包包: Céline
高跟鞋: Cooperative from Urban Outfitters


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